Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

My warmest greetings to all of my dearest friends, business partners and clients!
Merry Christmas to You!!!

The year 2010 is getting to its historical end and we are just about to revise all we have achieved in this year and start thinking about what we would like to accomplish in 2011.

I love what my mentor Brian Tracy says:
"Think of the New Year as the best year in your whole life!"
I believe this is true if only we accept the fact of having every year important whatever it had brought into our life.

As I live in the stream of dreams-goals-plans-achievements, for me the year 2011 will be the next step of my Big Five years Plan that I have made for five years.
This long-term perspective seem to work better for me.
But you can make plans starting from one day plans to one year plans, as long as you are getting better with planning your life stages.

Whatever scheme you may choose, however, the point here is to take actions every day, check what is done and correct plans on the way.
Your plans are not written 'in stone' they may be influenced by various life circumstances that may change the 'how' details.
But the 'what' directions of your plans must be the same.

Seeing the destination is extremely important. As I always repeat:
"Answer the two basic questions 'what? and 'why?' and the 'how?' question will find its way itself!"
Which means you must know what you want to achieve and why you want it.
The ways and methods will go naturally to lead you to your goal/s.

So, dear friends,
Merry Christmas again to you and yours and I will talk to you later!
George Rusky