Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to achieve an enormous effect of your speech

"How to achieve an enormous effect of your speech"
Toastmasters 5th speech
Dear Fellow toast masters
Benjamin Franklin once said, 
“There are two ways to acquire wisdom; you can either buy it or borrow it. By buying it, you pay full price in terms of time and cost to learn the lessons you need to learn. By borrowing it, you go to those men and women who have already paid the price to learn the lessons and get their wisdom from them.

There are a lot of techniques to boost your speech performance
Which one works best for you?
Let me ask you a question?
What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

              Hello, I am George Rusky and today I will tell you about the method I started using to achieve a better effect of my speech.
 I borrowed it from my mentor Brian Tracy., using Tony Robbins’s method of addressing the public I will ask you:
“Who gets a cup of coffee, say “I”!”
I guess, everyone has her morning routine.
You know what I do?
I make a morning speech which I am sure helps me to improve my general speech performance.
Here’s how it happen.
Imagine a morning in my flat with a small corridor and a big mirror in it.
So, the first thing in the morning I go to the mirror.
The picture I see doesn’t make me happy: you now, an old man, red eyes, shoulders bent, grey messy, hair…but suddenly I say
 ”I like myself! I like myself! I like myself!...”
I start my speech.
After such a promising introduction I go on to the body of my speech and declare: ”I can make it, and I repeat this affirmation several times after which I clarify the message and say: ”I can make a million!”
Who wants to be a millionaire, say “I”
Excellent, Martin. Please tell me dear fellow toast master if you have a sum of 6 thousands czk?
Congratulations and welcome to the millionaire club because 6oooczk equals exactly 1,000,000 bel rubles
Actually when I say :”I can make a mln,” I actually mean at least Czk mln
After that great body of my speech, I go on to the conclusion and say:
”I am the best and repeat this affirmation several times.”
I spread my shoulders, lift my chin and put in order my hair!
Now I am ready to go into the world and in such high spirits I go thru the day 
ignoring completely negative news, violence, murders and all media rubbish.
I spread positive emotions, attitudes and deliver good news.
But that is not all about my speech practicing.
At the end of the day, I come to my mirror, this my podium, stage, speaking platform and deliver my evening speech.
You know what I start with?
“I like myself…….
In high spirits I go to bed sleep soundly because it is essential with what  thoughts you go to bed.
On the next day I repeat the whole procedure again.
Helen Douglas, legislator, the first woman elected to the US Congress once said: 
"Character is built daily by the way one thinks and acts - thought by thought, action by action." 

And now, let me conclude my 7 minutes with the way Brian Tracy ends his messages:
To put immediately into action these powerful techniques, do the following:
  1. Prepare and practice your morning speech.
  2. During the day collect only positive information and deliver only good news.
  3. End your day with the powerful evening speech.                                                                                                                                 Following these three steps, dear fellow toastmasters you will make your every speech irresistible.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Starting a New Career. What holds us back.

George Russky, February 21, 2011
M. "When it comes a discussion about a new career there is always a number of voices that determine a selection of the area of your best interest as the most probable topic for your speech.
“Find out what you are good at and get going!,” they say.
However, how to do it, nobody says, or they recommend to think what you are good at.
But how to determine what I am good at if I haven’t ever won any prizes, medals or distinguished certificates identifying me as a leader or a winner among the many.
And then it is not enough just to like something and do it as a part time activity, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary…
 I would like to be this or that…But the complex of being an ordinary, just one of the many who potentially can be good at the same as I want to be holds me back and doesn’t let me go in the desired direction.
Can that be helped?"

George: I guess I understand what troubles you. I have heard that a many times with similar descriptions of the same problem:’ I’m not good enough to build a new career, to start a new activity and so on.
First of all to start something new it is not necessary to be the best or good enough.
Being good enough to wish something to start is quite enough.
That is the first step. To have a burning desire.
As you can see, we again come to the same formula:
                               What =>Why => How!
What: I want to start a new business even though I am not a ‘super hero’ in this industry.
Why: I want to feel important, fulfilled, express myself thru this business, earn money and position, etc.
How: I will collect as much knowledge about the subject, learn all I can and create a Plan for everyday activities to achieve my goal.
Does that make sense for you?
And something else. Whenever you feel like sharing your ideas about your new start, think twice before you decide to do it, because “Why do you want it?-Do you need it?” people will always try to change your decision. Be strong and ignore the voices of even your closest and dearest who will try to make you change your mind.
In short, make a decision trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice.
And, perhaps, the most important of all: do not quit!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Rest-Room Dancing.

A Rest-Room Dancing.

As you know I work as a massage therapist for a big hotel.
I receive a call-invitation from the reception desk and at a definite time come to prepare the massage room and wait for the client.
Then I give massage say good-bye to the client and go home.
Sometimes on the way from the fitness centre I pay a short visit to a restroom.
Today as on hundreds of other days all went pretty much the same: invitation, massage, good-bye and the rest room on the way and I would have left the hotel as any time before if not one funny thing that had happened to me when I opened the door of the gentlemen’s rest room.
So, I opened the door and saw there a nicely smiling woman that was apparently looking after the order in the room. She was carrying a bucket with a brush and something else.
“Good evening,” she said.
“Good evening,” I replied not really knowing what to say else that could somehow match this kind of a situation.
She didn’t notice my confusion and added:
“You can now use it”
A few words about the place. All around is nicely tiled. Spotless walls and floor can compete with the interior of a surgery theatre; a slow romantic music flowing from the walls finishes the whole great spirit of the room.
This time it was a saxophone solo accompanied by three other instruments.  
I made a few steps towards a white opening fixed to the wall when suddenly I asked the cleaning lady: “Shall we dance?”
 The question must have sounded so incredibly stupid and out of the place that the woman tried to grasp the sense of the question but could not do it.
After a while she asked: “Shall we what?”
“Dance,” I repeated. “Shall we dance?”
My new ‘dancing partner’ was still trying to understand what was going on.
Then she slowly answered: ”No, we can’t do it”
Why not, I insisted. “You have a partner, a dancing partner, music and a nice atmosphere. Why not”
Having said that, I boldly stepped towards her, and gallantly bowed.
I guessed at that moment she finally saw how absurd my offer had been and put her hand on my shoulder.
We moved slowly along the white cabins and rows of shining urinals.
My trained massage hand immediately detected a nice shape of my partner’s back.
My mind started making the picture of the rest of her body when the door opened and in the frame of it stood the front office Manager, Mr Vrubel apparently trying to guess what exactly he was watching.
“Well, well, well…” he finally uttered. “What’s going on here?”
“The discothèque is sold out?”
Trying not to notice his sarcastic remark, I stopped dancing bowed my partner and thanked for the dance.
Then I gave her the bucket and led her to the exit.
Mr Vrobel, let the woman go and asked me if I could wait for him in the hall.
I said I could and went out.
Something was going to happen and I was very curious what exactly it could have been.
What would you have expected if you were in my place?