Tuesday, November 29, 2005

" How can I start writing?"

 " How can I start writing?"

George Rusky
November 2005

To start writing it is necessary to start doing it. Period.

What do all people love talking, thinking and, of course, writing about?
What is the number ONE subject for everyone?
What is in the centre of attention of every one all the time?
Yes, correct!
She and He.
Every one loves occupy her time with thinking, speaking and writing about HERSELF.

Let's start.

Step One.

Switch off all the phones you have, everything producing any noises, send anyone from your apartment, find a place, where you can concentrate.

Before you start working with the questions, realize the importance of the next stages of the whole process from the first to the last point.

Here's what you do.

-think deeply about each question
-answer the questions honestly before your self
-try to find the essence, the real gist of the notions, without pretending to be better than you are
-formulate your thoughts in your mind
-put your thoughts on the paper, transforming them into the sentences as they appear in your heart. No Grammar/No Spelling.
-critically observe what you have written
-read loudly. Hear how it sounds.
-correct your text, asking yourself if you have been sincere
-finally, edit your text.

That's the way how you start writing. This IS my 'magic' formula.

Please, begin now. Write the answers to the questions below. No clichés, no banalities, no verses, only what you think with your own words.

1.I was brought into this world for which purpose?

2.What was I given that differs me from others?

3.From all that I have described at 2, how much/how many/to what extend I have already used or using or intend to use?

End of Step One.

That's not easy. I understand.

And it will not be much easier.

Writing is about GIVING, investing, devoting, serving.

Reading is about getting, but

Writing is about GIVING.

That's why people don't write messages/e-mails/let alone, letters.
Not because they are lazy. No!

They love getting. That's why.

And the last. If you feel like sharing with me what you will write, please do it. Some thoughts may be too private. You decide.

Anyway, I need your thoughts.

The deadline-...day, the ...th of ...ember. Why the dead line?
You will know in my next message.

As soon as you finish with the first step, we'll move forward.

Happy writing!


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