Sunday, July 24, 2011

What is your true Calling?

“Every calling is great when greatly pursued.” Brian Tracy
“There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well. Walter Reuther:
“Each person has their own calling on this Earth.” Billy Ray Cyrus ( Am singer, author, country music)
       Dear ladies and Gentlemen
 The worst thing in life you can do as Brian Tracy believes, is to stay at a job for months and years for which you are completely unsuited.
     A lot of people spend their whole lives doing something during the week they don’t like and dream of doing after work and at the week-end something they really love.
Why does it happen?
        Hi, I am GR and today I will tell you how you can find satisfaction and joy in whatever you do every day of your life.
Here’s the Plan of my 7 minutes
First, we define a problem and the consequences of having this problem
Then, we will find the way to get out of the problem
And finally you will receive the plan of actions to have a better life.
       Dear Friends
I wonder if you ever thought why so many people are unhappy and unsuccessful. What is the true reason for that?
      Brian Tracy thinks and I completely agree with him, that the reason is only one: these people don’t discover their gifts and talents that were given to them By the Lord, as I believe, or the universe or the parents or whatever you may believe in.
In other words, they do not want to discover their true calling. What they are here for! What is their mission!
       They are not quite pleased with what others prepared for them and always complain about their bosses or their jobs. They repeat the same activities every day and hope that one day things will get better.
        One day, however, people who are not following their true callings begin to feel helpless. They feel that there is nothing they can do to change things.
         But your aim in life is to become everything you can become and enjoy full expression of your gifts and talents.
 If you do, let’s move to another point of our topic:  how to get rid of the problem and entirely change the situation.
           First, discover your true calling.
Answer the question:” what is it that I love doing, spending time with, enjoy going to, most of all?”
Success comes from being excellent at what you do.
And you are excellent at what you do only if and when you love it!
Remember: The market only pays excellent rewards for excellent performance. It pays average rewards for average performance and below-average rewards for below-average performance.
       All really successful and happy people know in their hearts that they are very good at what they do. If you are doing what you really love and enjoy doing, you will always try to become better at it, you will always want to develop your skills and finally become a superstar in your area of expertise.
        You will go to courses, buy books, go to see top performers in your business.
        You will have a constant desire to learn more about it.
want to join the top 10 percent of people in your field.
be willing to start a little earlier, work a little harder, and stay a little later.
        Very often people ask me how they can get better at what they are doing, more successful.
And I always ask them: do you do what you really love doing?
Most of my responders say: “I have to do something, to get money and, you know…I hope things will get better one day.”
No, they won’t.
Because average performance leads to average results.
         Dear fellow toastmasters, what is the solution?
                                                           Find your true calling! 
       Some say: ”I’m not sure, I don’t know’
Then I recommend, ask someone you trust, they can help you to define what you are good at.
Remember, we you here to do something wonderful with your life.
       You have talents and abilities so many that you could never use them all even if you lived a thousand years. There are no limits on what you can be, have, or do if you find your true calling, and start doing it with you hear passion and will.
      And here’s the last point of my talk:  What you should do to become successful and happy:
1. On a sheet of paper write down the answer to this question: ”What is my true calling?”
2. Define what you have to do to start doing it
3. Go to it!
        Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for listening,
And I hope after hearing these recommendations, you will try to find your true calling, define the plan for changing your life and go to it!
I’m GR, I’ll talk to you next time

Friday, July 01, 2011

How to Write Your Speech

As in any kind of communication when you have to address to your listeners, writing a speech should meet a series of general rules of communications.
First, when you get in touch with someone, you have to name this person to attract her attention, e.g: Good Morning, Sir/Mr Smith, etc
Let’s compare to a start of a spec:
You say: ”Dear Ladies and Gentlemen”
               “Dear Friends…”
What you do after you address someone?
You give the reason why you are talking to the person.
In the speech you say:
In my speech I would like to tell you about …”
You may also introduce yourself and inform the listeners what and how well you know about the subject.
After this introduction you can explain to your listeners why you have decided to talk about this subject what you would like them to know and remember, use and do after they have heard your speech.
 (Some experts in public speaking believe that unless a speaker has something worth-saying and listening to say, he should have refrained from speaking.)
After these introductory notes, continue with the development of the speech.
When you believe that you have achieved the goal of the speech, get to the conclusion where you remind the title of the speech, the main points of it and what you think the listeners should have done in order to put into action the ideas they have hear din your speech.
I prefer writing all ideas that come in to my head a soon as I start thinking about the contents of the speech: they all can get useful for the contents of the speech.
I also believe that writing the text id vital and necessary to organize your ideas before you come to the final variant of the presentation in general so that later to start practicing the speech.