Friday, July 01, 2011

How to Write Your Speech

As in any kind of communication when you have to address to your listeners, writing a speech should meet a series of general rules of communications.
First, when you get in touch with someone, you have to name this person to attract her attention, e.g: Good Morning, Sir/Mr Smith, etc
Let’s compare to a start of a spec:
You say: ”Dear Ladies and Gentlemen”
               “Dear Friends…”
What you do after you address someone?
You give the reason why you are talking to the person.
In the speech you say:
In my speech I would like to tell you about …”
You may also introduce yourself and inform the listeners what and how well you know about the subject.
After this introduction you can explain to your listeners why you have decided to talk about this subject what you would like them to know and remember, use and do after they have heard your speech.
 (Some experts in public speaking believe that unless a speaker has something worth-saying and listening to say, he should have refrained from speaking.)
After these introductory notes, continue with the development of the speech.
When you believe that you have achieved the goal of the speech, get to the conclusion where you remind the title of the speech, the main points of it and what you think the listeners should have done in order to put into action the ideas they have hear din your speech.
I prefer writing all ideas that come in to my head a soon as I start thinking about the contents of the speech: they all can get useful for the contents of the speech.
I also believe that writing the text id vital and necessary to organize your ideas before you come to the final variant of the presentation in general so that later to start practicing the speech.  

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