Thursday, November 22, 2012

What is easier? To speak English or to listen to someone speak English?

I a sure, most of us will answer:”It is easier to listen then to speak!”

Dear friends,
Let me share with you my opinion.
I believe it is much easier to speak English then to listen someone speak or to understand what others say.
And that is why.
Let me ask you this question:
“When somebody wants you do something in the way he or she thinks is correct, ho do you react most of the instances?”
“Do you immediately agree with this person or you believe it will be done better in the way you think it should be done?”
If you agree with this, then you may also agree that it is easier to make your own sentences in the way you have been doing it for years rather than to adjust your mind to the phrases and sentences someone uses, especially if this person belongs to a special group of football fans or another group where their lingo is used?

Or, another example.
 I am asking a student to retell a story and try to motivate her to use the expressions from the text and she asks me back:
“Can I use my own words?”
Some time ago, I wouldn't agree with this approach.
Not any more!
As soon as I grasped this simple truth that a person feels more comfortable with what she has in her arsenal of spoken English than what she hasn't.

Dear friends,   
I am sure: as soon as you understand this simple trick of using at freedom what you have already known and practiced for some time, you are safe and sound.
Then, surely you may ask a pretty logical question:
“If I use the same phrases and expressions day after day, where is the progress!?”
  I am glad you asked!
And that is exactly when the tutor comes to the scene!
If we believe the wisest who used to say:
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” then it is the time
     to learn English with a specialist in English communication.

Best regards
George Rusky

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