Saturday, January 05, 2013

The First Video Lesson

Dear Learners of English

             Before we go to the first video lesson, I want to share with you a few main ideas that lead me to recording this video course.
             The Learning English Grammar Tenses Video Course is a set of forty video lessons where I am giving you the basics of speaking about past, present and future with the help of all 12 English grammar tenses.
             The course consists of forty lessons that are divided into two groups: one group of lessons will teach you to make affirmative sentences, to ask yes/no and special questions and answer the questions.
              The other group is a set of drills for training the patterns you learned in the previous lessons.
              I haven’t included alternative (Do you like this or that?) and tag  ( It’s an interesting book, isn’t it?) questions in my lessons because in some languages these questions are not frequently used (Russian, for example)…
              The rest of the information about the tenses and how they are used in the language, you can read in your native language in the grammar books available in your book stores, libraries or on the Internet.
              Please, read everything in your native language and of your national English Language gurus. They know better than anyone else how to use the English language for expressing your thoughts and ideas that you want.
Later, when you become better practitioners of English you will get more instructions from English native speakers and read more monolingual textbooks.

             Today I am posting the first video lesson where I’m giving you the basic formulas of using the verb to be in affirmative sentences and Yes/No and special questions.
Enjoy the video lesson and remember:
                             Repetition is the Mother of learning.
So, learn the patterns and practice them as often as you can.
Happy Learning

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