Saturday, September 22, 2012

“Why to blog?” Ten Points in Favor of Blogging

As many times before, I ask myself a question that perhaps has also worried you for some time: “Why to blog?”, “What’s in it for a blogger?”                                          
 Is this necessary, important, vital or what?!

Dear Friends,
I believe that blogging is not too much different from any other channels of human communication, just a modernized way of sharing with others your thoughts, opinions…
After some time spent with contemplating about the subject, I have finally come with a few points in favor of blogging.
Here are my ten brief notes with short comments. Blogging is recommended…
First. To discipline your day: your blog messages should be posted daily. Every evening when you go to bed, scroll thru all day’s activities and check whether you performed all you’d planned. Blog posts are the best way to feel fine with your daily performance.
Second. Blogging is writing, perhaps our biggest worst problem of today’s communication. I do not mean the communication on the level of short SMS, phone calls or replicas we exchange with people around us, but writing as the process of producing blocks of information on various topics.
Third. To share with others your interests and knowledge and to get feedback from your readers who may enjoy the same topics.
Fourth. To develop new relations with your readers. I have a very good experience of making friends in one international photo community.
Fifth. To promote your ideas, ask for advice, exchange human wisdom and use life experience of your readers for your life too.
Sixth. To establish yourself as an expert in your area. Again, answering questions of your readers is a pleasure and a privilege of any knowledgeable person.
Seventh. To offer your services, products, consultancy in the areas where you know something worth sharing with others: they may use your advice for their professional and private life.
Eight., To have fun. Even though a good number of correspondents may react on your messages not entirely in a positive way, the number of fine comments is always bigger. Receiving lovely posts with positive opinions and ideas is very pleasant.
Ninth. To educate yourself. Very often among your co-bloggers few folks have pretty good experience with running blogs: their help may change your level of performance not only in blogging but in other areas of life.
Tenth. To become closer to the people of the whole world. As a massage therapist at a big hotel, I work with people around the world who not only share with me their health concerns but ask for help with other things in various sides of life. When I talk to them, I feel that we live with very similar, if not the same problems and concerns in different corners of the planet. That makes me feel a part of the world community!
"Have I forgotten anything here?"
Please, feel free to share with me your thoughts, ideas, opinions.
Sincerely, George Rusky

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